Es wurde 1 Treffer gefunden. Die Kurzanzeige der Ergebnisse Ihrer Suchanfrage:
Verfasser / Herausgeber / Bearbeiter: |
Gleißner, Ulrike^Johler, Martin^Ney-Wilkens, Regina^Hollmann, Helmut |
Erscheinungsjahr: |
2013 |
Titel: |
Langzeitentwicklung von Pflegekindern in Fachpflegefamilien. |
In: Zeitschrift, Periodikum: |
Bildung und Erziehung |
Heft / Nr. : Erscheinungsjahr: |
1 / 2013 |
Seitenangabe: |
99 - 112 |
Abstract: |
This follow-up study evaluates the long-term cognitive and emotional development of 41 foster children with preceding residential transition. Mean age the placement was 7 years, at interview 16 years. Follow-up intervals ranged between 3 and 13 years. Cognitive development was rated as favorable in 80%-85% of the cases. Several children were over-achievers at school given their intelligence test results at the residential stay. Emotional development was rated as unfavorable for 29%-34%. It was positively correlated with younger age at placement and shorter residential stay; there were no correlations with gender, psychotherapy, IQ, number of diagnoses and preceding arrangements out of family. Current behavior problems, described in a questionnaire, were associated with age at placement, length of stay in foster care and parent contacts. |
Schlagworte: |
Pflegekinder und Pflegefamilien^Forschung und Evaluation in der Pflegekinderhilfe^Pflegekind: Langzeitentwicklung: emotionale Entwicklung: kognitive Entwicklung |
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